Let Your Kids’ Dreams Come True!

With our super-engaging coding courses, your kids can experience the joy of creating their own games, apps, or even software. Starting as early as 5 years old, they’ll begin building a strong foundation in logic, picking up tons of English vocabulary, and getting a head start on advanced math skills. Let’s make their dreams into reality!


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Our future generations need to dream. The STEAM movement keeps changing the whole world education system (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). We are here to help equip the future leaders with coding skills and problem-solving mindsets so that they can overcome the upcoming challenges. Through our super-fun, live Zoom classes or self-learning classes, your kids learn to code, design, and build amazing things step by step – the games or apps will be actually go LIVE, and sharing with their friends :)
Our unique coding curriculum guides the students progress with Level-Up. Whether the kids are total beginners or a mini tech wizard, our professional coach will guide them every step of the way. So, lets their imagination come true, and start coding.


1.⁠ ⁠Python Beginners Power-Ups

As artificial intelligence keeps influence the whole world, python playing a super important role to facilitate the rapid AI development. Our Python Online Courses are tailor made for kids age 8-13. During the course, they will tackle different programming issues and create their own software and games with confident.

2.⁠ ⁠Scratch Jr. – Coding for Little Legends

Perfect for beginners age 5-7 . The simple Drag, drop, and play mechanism of Scratch JR allow kids experience how fun it is to create their own program. They will make the characters dance, tell stories, or invent their own games, all with colorful blocks that make coding feel like magic.



3.⁠ ⁠Roblox Studio – Transform from a game player to game creator

Every kid loves Roblox! According to latest statistics, there are over 85 millions of kids actively playing Roblox worldwide. Now through this unique course, you can create your own game publish to actual Roblox market and start earning Robux.

4.⁠ ⁠Minecraft – Redstone & Coding Creations

Enjoy playing Minecraft? In fact, Minecraft Education is designed to help kids understand the coding world. your Minecraft skills to the next level. Through our training course, your kids will learn to code with Redstone, make machines that move, or even program your own mods with Java. They will slowly boost up their creativity and build smarter, play bigger, and rule the blocky world.


5.⁠ ⁠Thunkable – Create your own Android and Apple apps

Dream of inventing your own app? With Thunkable, you’ll design real apps for phones and tablets. Create a game, a quiz, or something totally unique – no limits, just your creativity!

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Ready to code your future? Sign up today and let’s start creating something AMAZING together! Whether you want to be a game designer, app maker, or tech genius, Coding Birdz is your launchpad to awesomeness.

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